Thursday, June 11, 2009

Governor's School Reflections #2

  • How's the week been going?
  • Best and worst moments?
  • What, so far, has been most interesting to you?
  • Any new questions?


  1. 1. This week was swell and stressful, I had to study for the ACT on Saturday and study for Governor's school at the same time.
    2. Best moments: Playing in the band for fine arts
    Worst moments: worrying about the ACT on Saturday
    3. There are a lot of interesting things in Governor's school including ethic speeches and etc.
    4. Sorry, I can't think of any new questions right now.

  2. 1. This week was fairly stressful, what with the drama going around, ect. But other then that i havnt had many worrys as far as homework is concerned.
    2. Best moment had to be getting a standing ovation from the guys at the floor meeting wensday night after i gave a speech.
    Worst moment:worrying about certain events that have been going on
    3.Pretty much all of the things we have been going over in english class have been intresting. Some of the other stuff is ok, the rest is just plain boring to be frank.
    4. I am currently question free.

  3. 1. Stressful is a wonderful way to describe the week. Constantly worrying about deadlines and producing written works starts to tear down my mood. I have been doing a lot of writing that most likely wouldn't work with any of our literary journals...
    2. The best moment was last night's hubba bubba chicken orgy. The drama never ends with Desperate House Chickens...
    The worst moment has been the momentary discord between the members. I am just glad that most of the knots have been severed.
    3. The most interesting has been the poetry readings this morning.
    4. The questions are ones that cannot be answered in such a manner, nor do they coinside with the class. =] No questions is my answer, I guess.

  4. 1) Okay I guess.
    2) The best thing I would say is a chicken orgy. The worst was the drama going on between the class.
    3)The most interesting part of this class is the creative writing and the poems we read.
    4)No questions.

  5. 1)uneventful
    2)Best moment would be playing table tennis. Worst moment was being late for fine arts and having to clean up sometime
    3)Most interesting would have to be hangingout with new people and getting to know everyone's different backgrounds
    4)I'll have to ask myself that question.
