Thursday, June 18, 2009

Governor's School Reflection #3

Pretty self-explanatory.


  1. I like governor's school a lot. The lectures are interesting for the most part. Writing pieces in such a short time period was very challenging but that's not your fault-it's reasonable given the time constraints that we were given.I'm excited to workshop our pieces as well. Talking yesterday with the grad class was very exciting and I can't wait to meet the undergrad class today.It's been pretty good so far I'd say.

  2. 1. This week is going well.

    2. The best moment is the trip to Minneapolis, the worst moment is when Rui stole my flash drive cap.

    3. The most interesting thing that happened this week is when Dr. Maylath taught us how to write instruction notes.

    4. I don't think so...

  3. Well, I don't really know how I feel about Gov School so far. I keep getting told that this is going to be a life changing expierence, far I haven't really had that happen to me. I love the people I'm meeting though! My roomies, and a few other girls/guys I've met. I'd have to say that my favorite part about Gov School though, is the meals:) At my school, lunch is really wierd sometimes, and I never have anything to add to the transparent conversations. Here though, we talk about all kinds of actually intersting things.

    So, to put it bluntly, Gov School isn't really what I expected, but its fun...and the meals are awesome!

  4. We have been learning about creative writing and technical writing and...well, just a bunch of writing in general. Our magazine groups had the chance to review the first drafts of some magazine submissions. We also were able to join a group of graduate students and talk about different writing aspects.

    I really enjoy reading the poems and short stories that we were to read in class.

  5. Well, to be honest it has been a very short week. It just kinda snuck right past me hidden inside all of the lectures on proffesional writing, teaching, the workshops, the interviews, the surveys; i was so busy i cant even remember what i had for lunch yesterday.
    Long story short: I have learned and am learning alot more then i had dreamed i could learn in just a couple short weeks. I cant wait to see what this next, and final, week will bring.

  6. 1. It's all good

    2. The best thing is that we are going to valley fair

    3. I really hate the fact that I have to get up at around 7am.

    4. L and L is getting kind of boring. the first week was okay but the second week was just sit and listen.

    5. I really liked the campus food and it really gives me an inside scope of what college would be like for me

  7. I've really enjoyed all of the classes so far. Granted, I'm pretty tired in the mornings so I might appear bored but I've found learning about the different branches of English Studies quite interesting. I hardly knew anything about rhetoric, technical writing, or linguistics and they are all way more complicated than I originally assumed. I also love all the creative writing and the support I get from my peers. The only part I wish was different was that I want more free time to work on writing. Not necessarily during class, and I guess I'm not sure where they'd take it from, but I wouldn't feel as stressed if I felt like I had more time.

  8. I've learned a lot about the different fields in English Studies, and it's been very, very interesting. One of my main purposes in coming here was to learn about linguistics and get a better idea of whether or not it would be a good choice for me, college-wise, and while I'm still undecided, I am better-informed. I've loved working on Rhetoric, Creative Writing, etc., and I'm very thankful that I got to attend Gov's School. It's also been great to get to know the instructors that I may be working with in a few years, and to get my writing more "out" in the world. :)

    Of course, there have been the cons along with the pros, and a few more of the former than I might have expected, but over all it has been a great learning experience for me, and I think I'll take a lot home.

    Thanks so much. :)

  9. The week has gone by so fast!!! I'm not looking forward to leaving next Saturday...I know I'm going to miss so many people.
    There has been a lot more work this week than last week, but I s'pose that makes sense due to the fact that we don't have much time left.
    I have really enjoyed this experience so far.
